Coaching for Academics
Stop procrastinating. Stop spinning your wheels. Start making steady progress toward your goals. The world deserves to hear what you have to say!
Are you an academic or graduate student who’s having trouble designing and meeting your goals?
Graduate students working on masters and doctoral degrees often have difficulty managing the task of researching and writing a thesis or dissertation.
Post-docs and faculty may struggle with defining themselves as academics or setting goals that will help them get a job or reach tenure.
OnTrack Academic Coaching will help you set concrete, achievable goals and support you as you meet those goals in a timely manner, without procrastinating, aiming for excellent, not perfect.
Recommended Planning Resources
In my coaching practice I often refer clients to free resources, available online, including the following:
Personal Annual Review: Goal Setting & Guide for Academics
My favorite paper/pencil planner for academics is the Planner Pad
The Full Focus Planner is a great (if intense) tool for planning your next quarter
I love a Bullet Journal as a flexible, no-fuss tool for corralling your lists
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